2>3 de Diciembre de 2017
Sábado 10.00h – 13.00h / 15.00 a 18.00
Domingo 10.00h a 14.00h
Precio: 50€
This workshop is a two days fully immersion in the exploration of the body anatomy, making use of this inner capacities and how to increase them.
As professionals dancers we have an enormous amount of knowledge being accumulated in our bodies. Using a very specific method we will awake this abilities and work on integrate them in our dance vocabulary, discovering and increasing the full potential of our creativity.
The first part of the day we will work on warm up the body (and the mind) by a deep manipulation. This manipulation is always orientated trough two basic principles: to open and release the body in order to let the movement organically become “virtuosity”.
The second part of the day will be use to explore some essentials physical principles as weight and alignment in order to “follow the movement that is being done” instead of making it. Then we will integrate this body quality into the instantaneous composition creating small group pieces.
The proposition of this workshop is orientated to professional dancers, circus artist, actors and performers. To all people that want to deeply research the principles for efficient use of anatomy.
Agostina D’Alessandro is a dancer, performer, choreographer/director and improvisation teacher.
From 2002 until 2005 Agostina was working and living in Paris were she created her first dance piece “S-Main Gaushe” (2004) with the support of “Mairie de Paris” in the Paris Jeunes Talents Concours. She presented this piece in various dance festivals in Mexico, Venezuela, Croatia, Portugal, France and Argentina.
In 2005 she established herself in Brussels and started working as a performer with T.R.A.S.H Company (Holland) in the following productions: PORK-IN-LOOP & ZOFIA, performing in Hollande, Belgium, Spain & France until 2011.
In 2009 she joined Julyen Hamilton Company- Allen’s Line, performing the pieces MUD LIKE GOLD (2017), “Sand & Vision” (Brussels-2016), “LOCAL TALK” (Paris/Bruxelles & Strasbourg-IMPREVU Festival – 2013), “LE VOYAGE” (Paris & Bruxelles – 2010) & “THE ARRIVAL” (Bxl-2009).
She also participated in several projects such as : Les Ballet du Grand Maghreb, By Ana Stegnar & Saïd Gharbi, SUPERAMAS; Koshro Adibi IPL (International Performers Laboratory) and studied with several companies and teachers : Ultima Vez, Isabella Soupart, Troubleyn Jan Fabre (Franz Marijnen), David Zambrano, Katie Duck & Julyen Hamilton amongst others.
In 2012 she created DEMIURGO a dance performance improvisation piece that premiered in Buenos Aires at LEM and in PUENTES Festival in Bruxelles. As a choreographer she also performed in “La Loterie Erotique de Demoiselles” by Brigitte Bailleux and “Un cadavre dans l’oeil” by Guy Theunissen – 2014/2015, both pieces created by La Maison Ephémére Theater company.
Since 2011 she is part of the creative team of Improvisation & Composition at the Royal Dance Conservatory of Antwerp where she creates pieces based on a dance improvisation project. She has directed the following performances: Reload in Motion & Zôgraphos (2013), Suggested Emotions & VIRTUS (2014), SYNCHRONICITY, Evoked Potential & Abstract Entity (2015) and Mine Is Yours & Flexible Identity (2016).
She is now performing and touring the last piece INSIGHT (2017).
Agostina is a co-founder of SoloConversations Dance Collective active since 2007. This group of artists created many dance performance projects the past 10 years. In March 2016 the collective premiered their last piece “The Grave is Yawning” directed by Alexandre Tissot at Le Théâtre de la Vie / Brussels.
Agostina’s work is support by Federation Wallonie – Bruxelles and accompanied by Grand Studio.
For more information please visit:
Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística del Gobierno Vasco
Ampa Pas De Basque
Conservatorio Municipal de Danza José Uruñuela
TAE, Taller de Artes Escénicas de Vitoria-Gasteiz
Kolectivo Monstrenko
Espacio Sinkro